egui 0.7.0

Simple, portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust

Egui core library

To quickly get started with Egui, you can take a look at egui_template which uses eframe.

To create a GUI using Egui you first need a [CtxRef] (by convention referred to by ctx). Use one of [SidePanel], [TopPanel], [CentralPanel], [Window] or [Area] to get access to an [Ui] where you can put widgets. For example:

# let mut ctx = egui::CtxRef::default();
# ctx.begin_frame(Default::default());
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(&ctx, |ui| {

To write your own integration for Egui you need to do this:

let mut egui_ctx = egui::CtxRef::default();

// Game loop:
loop {
let raw_input: egui::RawInput = my_integration.gather_input();
my_app.ui(&egui_ctx); // add panels, windows and widgets to `egui_ctx` here
let (output, paint_commands) = egui_ctx.end_frame();
let paint_jobs = egui_ctx.tessellate(paint_commands); // create triangles to paint
// Also see `egui::Output` for more